Emily Grossman,
Emily Grossman is a peer specialist, trainer, consultant, and writer. In 2018, Emily was named "Peer Specialist of The Year" by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. She was also awarded a "Self Advocacy Award" in 2023 by Mental Health News Education.
In addition to this work, she was the director of the Training Institute at Coordinated Behavioral Care, Inc, a mental health non-profit in NYC. Before this, Emily worked for The Jewish Board as an Organizational Development Specialist with a focus on Recovery and the Peer Workforce. In this role, Emily trains the agency’s 3,000 employees, including psychiatrists, therapists, peer specialists, and other practitioners about how to implement recovery-oriented care in their work. She also has developed and facilitated a highly successful Peer Training Program at her agency.
Additionally, Emily coaches adults and young adults with behavioral health struggles and helps to inspire them by sharing her own experience and giving them hope that recovery is possible for them, too.
Emily is a frequent speaker about mental health recovery throughout the country. She has presented at such venues as Columbia University, NYU, Rutgers University, and Mental Health America’s National Conference, to name a few.
Prior to her work for The Jewish Board, Emily worked as a trainer for the Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia Psychiatry. There she helped to bring a "recovery lens" to OnTrackNY and OnTrackUSA, a program for working with youth with a first episode of psychosis. This program has been replicated nationally.
Emily got her start in training at the New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioners (NYAPRS), where she was responsible for training mental health practitioners all across New York City and Long Island.
She began her work as a peer specialist working in community mental health where she served as a peer specialist for Care Plus NJ and the Mental Health Association in NJ.
Emily has also written for Huffington Post about her own recovery from bipolar disorder.
She is a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner and has a Masters in Education from Columbia University’s Teachers College.